Tag: Suppliers

Eight Trends That Will Impact Retail This Year
As consumer needs continue to persist and evolve, retailers can fight to keep up in 2022 by understanding these eight industry trends.

The Importance of Inventory Management for Emerging Brands
Read on to learn the key points of inventory management that can set your business up for sustainable success.

3 Things About CPG I’m Grateful For This Year
2020 has been a difficult year but there is still so much to be thankful for, and for me, it's the consumer packaged goods industry.

2020 Holiday Shopping Evolves from a Sprint to a Marathon
Consumers and companies are shifting their holiday habits this year to protect their physical and fiscal health due to COVID-19.

Supplier Spotlight: eOn Mist paves way for personal virus protection
Learn how Giant Eagle discovered eOn Mist on RangeMe while looking to grow their virus protection category during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Private Label is Still on the Rise
Private label sales in the consumer packaged goods industry has been on the rise and will continue to gain popularity with retailers in post-pandemic life.

Brands Working From Home: Social Media Tactics
See what social media tactics you can be integrating into your brand strategy to help grow your business and market to consumers and retail buyers while sheltering in place.

Understanding the Dropshipping Model
As the CPG industry launches into a digital transformation, more retailers are looking for brands that are dropship capable.