Tag: RangeMe Verified

Buyer Spotlight: Beauty Bridge unveils niche beauty brands through RangeMe
See how Beauty Bridge’s Kate Pienpuck uses RangeMe to discover products and what her team of buyers looks for in a brand.

Supplier Spotlight: Healing Butterfly metamorphosizes into a retail-ready brand
A RangeMe devotee, Jackie Hirsch uses RangeMe’s resources to maneuver through the food and beverage industry.

Supplier Spotlight: Root Candles lights up the shelves of Albertsons
After 150 years in business, this candle company turned to RangeMe to revamp its sales strategy goal of expanding into new retail markets.

Supplier Spotlight: Opening the door to success for U.S. manufactured goods
Learn more about exclusive opportunities you can unlock through RangeMe.

Supplier Spotlight: Rick’s Salsa’s journey from family BBQ’s to big box retail
Learn how a motivated son used RangeMe to sell his dad’s salsa across the country through a major retailer.

Supplier Spotlight: Getting Rael with feminine care products
Learn how these three women are using RangeMe to disrupt and reinvent the feminine care space.

Supplier Spotlight: Wasatch Nectar’s sweet deal
Inspired by a love of the outdoors and a passion for honey, this Utah brand caught the attention of CVS during a RangeMe category review.

Supplier Spotlight: Viome– from e-commerce to shelf ready
Learn how Viome transformed from an e-commerce brand to a shelf-ready product with the help of RangeMe.

How JFE Franchising is Transforming Their Sales Strategy with RangeMe
Learn how this RangeMe Premium food service brand takes advantage of Sharing and Sharing Insights to manage open leads and track how buyers are engaging with their profile.