Tag: product demographics
Hot Trends in Shopper Technology
The accelerated pace of consumer technology adoption means shopper behavior is moving faster than most companies, so strive for agility to adapt to these trends.
The Explosion of Natural and Organic
Natural and specialty is now integrated into the mainstream shopper experience, and the access to it for every family is hugely exciting.
What’s in a Name? (Part 2)
Whatever the reason, it can be a bit panic inducing to realize that the name you thought was so perfect is not really. But it doesn’t have to be! It’s fixable.
Engage Shoppers With Omnichannel Personalization (Part 2)
Companies of all sizes must aspire to customize service across all channels to deliver an enjoyable shopping experience, which can boost brand loyalty and lifetime value per customer.
What’s in a Name? (Part 1)
What you name a product can definitely impact its overall swagger, just like packaging and shelf-placement can. But determining the best name for your product can be incredibly challenging.
Engage Shoppers with Omnichannel Personalization (Part 1)
The explosive changes in retail today are due in part to pervasive mobile technology, which is empowering consumers.
Cutting it in the Kitchen—and in CPG (Part 2)
Last time we spoke, I was telling you all about how there are so many similarities between cooking basics and new product development. Don’t believe me?
Cutting it in the Kitchen—and in CPG (Part I)
When I’m not engrossed in the latest CPG news, digging into recent trends, or exploring the shelves of my local grocery store to see what new products are making people ooooh and ahhhh...
Whose Dinner is It? Convenient Meal Delivery Services vs. Retailers
Convenience is key for today’s consumers, and retailers are recognising and responding to this in the form of online delivery, and fresh, ready-made meals.
Sustainability Boosts Brand Awareness, Trust, and Sales
Today’s strong consumer demand for sustainable products can help suppliers and retailers stand out in the crowded business-to-consumer (B2C) marketplace.