Tag: local

Some Labels You Should Appreciate
Consumers these days are getting more observant with the labeling on their foods and so am I.

Hungry for Health & Wellness: 5 Major Food Trends
Consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands and retailers’ bottom lines are poised to triumph if companies adapt to this unstoppable trend.

CPG: Capturing Hearts One Product at a Time
CPG, consumer packaged goods, may not resonate the same for all of us, but we can’t say we haven’t been exposed to it. Anytime you make a purchase at a store? Yup, that’s CPG.

Hot Trends in Shopper Technology
The accelerated pace of consumer technology adoption means shopper behavior is moving faster than most companies, so strive for agility to adapt to these trends.

The Explosion of Natural and Organic
Natural and specialty is now integrated into the mainstream shopper experience, and the access to it for every family is hugely exciting.

What’s in a Name? (Part 2)
Whatever the reason, it can be a bit panic inducing to realize that the name you thought was so perfect is not really. But it doesn’t have to be! It’s fixable.

What’s in a Name? (Part 1)
What you name a product can definitely impact its overall swagger, just like packaging and shelf-placement can. But determining the best name for your product can be incredibly challenging.

Forward, Together
For retail buyers, trade shows are an important part of their product discovery mix, a place they can go and meet the suppliers face-to-face, touch, feel, try, and even taste these products.

Whose Dinner is It? Convenient Meal Delivery Services vs. Retailers
Convenience is key for today’s consumers, and retailers are recognising and responding to this in the form of online delivery, and fresh, ready-made meals.