Tag: cpg

How Local Products Attract Happy, Loyal Shoppers (Part 2)

This year, retailers should build strategic relationships with local product suppliers to capitalize on the growing “buy local” movement.

/ February 17, 2016

Small Steps, Giant Leaps—A New Partnership for a Better CPG Industry

CircleUp and RangeMe are coming together to provide product suppliers with a faster path to market as well as the resources to scale their business.

/ February 9, 2016

Hand in Hand: Innovation & Inspiration

Whatever the innovation you have in mind, embrace it. And in those moments when you doubt your idea—and everyone has those moments—don’t let go.

/ January 26, 2016

Bigger, Better, Now: The Buyer’s Mindset (Part 1)

As a supplier, can you put yourself in the buyer’s mindset? Can you give yourself a new perspective on your creation?

/ December 21, 2015