Tag: cpg

5 CPG New Year’s Resolutions to Actually Keep

A new year is such a glorious time—your slate is wiped clean, and the next 12 months stretch ahead of you full of possibility. This is your time.

/ December 28, 2016

2016 Retail Trends Roundup

This end-of-year review gives retail and consumer goods companies proof of industry trends, so you feel certain of what shoppers want and how to deliver it.

/ December 22, 2016

Supplier Spotlight: How RangeMe connected Yeti Yoga and Target’s yogi shoppers

Erin Schmitt and Nicholas Hyde love fitness and design. And when they combined these two loves, Yeti Yoga was born.

/ December 15, 2016

Beauty For One, Beauty For All

In 2016, men’s grooming products are slated to rake in $21 billion in sales.

/ December 14, 2016

Fa La La La Lipstick

As the holiday season ramps up, beauty is in a prime position to make the most of being merry and bright, for consumers and suppliers alike.

/ December 7, 2016

Infographic: Last-Minute Ideas to Maximize Your Holiday Sales

To maximize in-store and online sales for your products, consider the following facts and suggestions as you finalize your holiday marketing strategy.

/ November 29, 2016

Retailers Feel–and Heed–the Power of the Millennials

Retailers are right to immerse themselves in the Millennial mindset in order to better unite with this very ambitious and significant generation.

/ November 21, 2016

Supplier Spotlight: The Naturally Smart way to grow a business

What started out as a product made in a small commercial kitchen and delivered out of the back of his Mini Cooper, Patterson now offers five flavors to his loyal customers across the U.S.

/ November 17, 2016

10 Ways Small Businesses Can Prepare for Black Friday Success

The good news is there’s still enough time for your small business to prepare well, stand out and sell in time for this fast and furious weekend of sales.

/ November 15, 2016

What Millennials Want From Consumer Goods

To win the hearts and minds (and wallets) of Millennial consumers, reflect their mindset by showing how your company is innovative, ethical and transparent.

/ November 9, 2016