What Is a DUNS Number and What Is It Used For?
You may have heard of DUNS numbers, but if you aren't sure what they are, or what they are used for, you have come to the right place. Businesses of any size will benefit from obtaining a DUNS number, as...
Creating a Killer Press Kit for Your Brand
A well-crafted press kit can help your CPG brand get the media coverage it deserves.
Doing Well by Doing Good: How Fair Trade Benefits Brands, Retailers, and Foodservice
Putting people and the planet first is not just a nice thing to do – it can also drive sales for your organization
Want to Build Long-Term Retail Partnerships? Try Holistic Negotiations
Negotiations shouldn’t be about winning, but about creating mutual value
Pivoting for Success: How One Startup Food Brand Drove Rapid Growth by Being Quick on its Feet
Launched in 2021, the food brand has already landed deals with Walmart, Sam’s Club, QVC and Sysco. Here's how they did it.
5 Reasons Why a Buyer Says “No” to Your Product (And How to Change It to a “Yes!”)
There are many reasons why a buyer says no to your product line. Here are 5 reasons why a buyer says no, and how you can craft a rebuttal.
Six Questions for Success at Your Next Buyer Meeting
Here’s the information you need to provide retail buyers to convince them to work with your brand
From the Outback to Retail Shelves: Kakadu Kickers Shows KeHE Australia’s Best Kept Secret
Learn how Kakadu Kickers, an immunity shot made from the Kakadu Plum, landed a partnership with KeHE Distributors through RangeMe.
Finding the Right Public Relations Firm for Your Brand
Getting the right message out can drive your brand’s success. Here’s how to find the ideal PR partner for your communications needs.
Maazah: From Farmers’ Markets to Kroger Shelves
One RangeMe submission led to big opportunities for this brand and its “magic green sauce”