9 Technologies Revolutionizing Retail
To boost their agility, relevance and attractiveness to shoppers, retailers are adopting technologies ranging from digital to data.
CPG: Capturing Hearts One Product at a Time
CPG, consumer packaged goods, may not resonate the same for all of us, but we can’t say we haven’t been exposed to it. Anytime you make a purchase at a store? Yup, that’s CPG.
Top Tech Trends for CPG Suppliers
Technology helps suppliers stand out and counter such retail pressures as changing consumer demographics, reduced brand loyalty, increased digital commerce and more demanding customers.
The Trouble with Labels–Are Certifications Right For Me?
Labeling a product with a specialty designation can be great. And as entrepreneurs with innovative products, I’m guessing you’ve looked into the different certifications, qualifications, and other –ations your product might bear.
Hot Trends in Shopper Technology
The accelerated pace of consumer technology adoption means shopper behavior is moving faster than most companies, so strive for agility to adapt to these trends.
The Explosion of Natural and Organic
Natural and specialty is now integrated into the mainstream shopper experience, and the access to it for every family is hugely exciting.
Infographic: The Top 3 Omnichannel Personalization Trends
To compete effectively, consumer goods and retail companies are using omnichannel personalization to engage consumers, and offer them the convenience to browse and buy products however and wherever they choose.
What’s in a Name? (Part 2)
Whatever the reason, it can be a bit panic inducing to realize that the name you thought was so perfect is not really. But it doesn’t have to be! It’s fixable.
Engage Shoppers With Omnichannel Personalization (Part 2)
Companies of all sizes must aspire to customize service across all channels to deliver an enjoyable shopping experience, which can boost brand loyalty and lifetime value per customer.
Taking it to the Next Level
We’re proud to announce we’ve raised $4 million in US capital from influential investors including Freestyle Capital, Simon Equity Partners, Transmedia Capital, Kevin Hartz (Founder and Chairman of Eventbrite) and Steve Jang (Advisor to Uber).