The Buzz About Bees: It’s a Sticky Situation
CPG brands are waking up to the benefits of honey, as well as the plight of bees, and highlighting both through programs and products.

Giant Eagle Uses ECRM and RangeMe to Discover New Products
Learn how a Giant Eagle buyer used RangeMe and ECRM to fill gaps in their assortment when faced with low inventory and supply chain issues.

How to Market Your Brand During a Recession
Recent trends suggest an economic slowdown is near. Recession-proof your brand with the following marketing best practices.

How to Use E-Commerce To Foray Into Retail
CPG brands who want to get ahead of the competition should use e-commerce activity in different ways to jumpstart their retail strategy.

LUA Coffee Shows How to Brew Retail Success on RangeMe
Vietnamese immigrant and driven entrepreneur Terri Nguyen knew she had to work hard to be successful, so she did just that. Meet LUA Coffee:

Getting the Basics Right for New Brands
The best new product in the world won’t succeed unless you get the basics right. Be prepared to face these issues when launching your brand.

Combatting Waste in the CPG Industry
In addition to refillable stations and bulk sections in grocery stores, here's what retailers are doing to reduce plastic use and littering.

Decoding Upcoming HFSS Regulations in the U.K.
Great Britain is making it harder to merchandise and advertise unhealthy products. Learn more about what this means for U.K. retailers.

On Fire: Where Consumers are Buying Today’s Most Popular Smoking Products
As tobacco use declines, alternative products are becoming more popular. Discover how smoking products are bringing consumers into stores.